Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 30: Calm Waters

Leaves on the trees are greener; skies are bluer...sunshine accenting what had been dreary days of dull grey. Even the birds are attacking their seed with new-found zeal. Days of rain give way to glistening sparkles on still water.

Why can't I be still like the calm waters? I was content just a few hours ago...enjoying the day, grateful for interesting work and loving friends. One phone call and I am off balance. The waters outside remain calm, but inside the tempest is growing.

Yet all those things for which I am grateful are still true...I do have a wonderful life, home, family, and friends. How much power do I want to give over to this one issue? To this tiny group of people seemingly holding so many cards?

Breathing in love and support...breathing out fear and frustration...breathing in Truth and Love...breathing out anger and pain...breathing in...breathing out...breathing in...breathing out...breathing...Namaste

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