Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 40: You Did It!

Ah, so here we 40 of 40. You did it! I cannot thank you enough for walking with me. Knowing you were by my side inspired me greatly.

Do you remember what was happening in your life when we started on August 24th? Is it hard to believe this time has passed so quickly?

When I wrote that first post for the series, I briefly summarized the significance of the number 40 in the Bible and mentioned, "Each of these examples speaks to a time of testing which led to renewal and the fulfillment of promises."

I wonder, have you experience a time of testing or a sense of renewal? How about the fulfillment of any promises?

There are no right or wrong answers; this is simply a wonderful opportunity to reflect on where we have been these past 40 days. How are you the same? How are you different? What shifted? What didn't?

In that first post I quoted Shah Nazar Ali Kianfar, a Sufi master, "40 days, according to the teachings and practice of the prophets and holy masters, is the mystical number of the course of perfection, a course that leads to an experience of the true essence of one's humanity."

And I mused..."by staying committed to this practice, for this period of time, we open ourselves to a greater likelihood of 'experiencing the essence of one's humanity;' that the path on this journey will take unimagined twists and turns."

I know for me, this has come to pass. But I am more interested in you. How, if at all, you have experienced the essence of your humanity? Has this journey taken any unexpected twists and turns?

Give yourself at least 20 minutes to reflect, perhaps even journal about how this time has been for you. (Preferably you will give yourself the gift of an hour...soft music, candles, incense the works...hey, create your own ritual of completion...high five yourself in the mirror...bow to the North, South, East, and West...give thanks to God...go for it!)

Have you felt a sense of playful exploration and tried some of the suggested exercises? If so, what were your favorites? Did you simply read and feed your soul that way? Did you remember to feed your soul? Was it enjoyable? Was it hard?

What has happened in your life since late August? What has been exciting? Have you been disappointed? Surprised by grace? Steeped in frustration? How have you grown? How is your connection to the Divine? To yourself? To others?

If you like, share your thoughts in the comment section below or send me an email.

I hope you will indulge me; tomorrow I am going to write a Day 41 to share some of my reflections on our time together and the ideas which have birthed from this journey. For me, you have been a midwife; I imagine you too are giving birth.

You have touched me deeply. Thank you...May you be happy...May you be healthy....May you be peaceful....May you know LOVE...Namaste

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