In the Buddhist tradition one is taught to be grateful for this precious life; that it is a privilege to embody the human form as opposed to that of a frog, or a dog, or an ant. (Although the way our yellow lab Daisy, and orange kitty Speedy are treated, I am not so sure they haven't drawn the better straw.) In any case, during my meditation time waves of gratitude washed over me as I tried to comprehend the unlikely event of my ever being born...the gift of continuing to breathe each breath.
My prayer moved from one of gratitude to that of resolve, "I will not squander my precious life." And yet, how does one not squander a life? I made a list:
- love unconditionally
- forgive generously
- smile often
- abide the wisdom of small children and the elderly
- give thanks
- share your gifts with reckless abandon
- face your demons lest they run your life
- when you hear the voice of judgment, either in your head or on your lips, change your tune...and then forgive yourself for judging
- work diligently at whatever you do
- remember what you do is not nearly as important as how you do it...intention is everything
- dance (maybe even naked under the moon now and then)
- laugh
- cry
- make time for those you love
- make time for yourself
- sit in silence with the Divine
- notice the sparkles on the water after a storm; listen to the tree frogs in the spring; smell the fragrance of gardenias
- choose to be a blessing
Funny, nothing on this list can be purchased. Yet we live in a material world which requires paying for food, clothes, and shelter-not to mention whirlwind trips to New Orleans (subject of another blog perhaps). Could it be that in the course of our lives, melding the spiritual with the material has more to do with the spirit that we bring to our endeavors? Maybe building in daily reminders that "The Spirit of God has made me. The breath of the Almighty gives me life." helps us to make choices that keep us from squandering this precious life. In fact, I wonder if we wouldn't find ourselves squandering all of who we are in reckless acts of love and generosity, kind of life this guy who poured out all of who he was a coupla thousand years ago.
What do you think?
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