Saturday, February 7, 2009

Antidotes for the Economic Blues

Let's face it, fear, doom and gloom are pervading our societal consciousness. Given the current state of things, what can we do to combat a case of the "Economic Blues?" As one who can be susceptible to this insidious disease, here are some antidotes that have helped.
  • Find someone, or an organization we care about and offer our talents in a meaningful way. It is amazing how healing it can be to "get outside ourselves." Besides, we need to do something with all of that time we used to spend shopping.
  • Count your blessings. Mom knew what she was talking about. Keep a gratitude journal by starting or ending your day making a list of people/places...anything for which you are grateful. Just last week I heard the story of a woman who found her way back from a deep depression and one of the tools that helped her was grabbing a journal and writing about what was good in her life, before her feet even hit the floor.
  • can use Anne Lamott's favorite, "HELP ME! HELP ME!" or perhaps a version of the Julian of Norwich prayer: "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well." I have found ranting cathartic at times. I hope I am right in my belief that God can take it. Make it your own, the important part is to take time to be still with that Higher Power and remember that no matter what happens, we are not alone.
  • Laugh-call a friend who is sure to make you smile. Add comedies to your Netflix cue. Check out a funny book at the library. (I just finished Lamb: the Gospel according to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal. It is hysterical, but for those who like a sanitized Jesus I must warn you, this book is highly irreverent. I also hope I am right in believing Jesus has a sense of humor!)
The downturn in the economy is unsettling and downright frightening for some. I wonder if we can draw any strength from courageous friends who have inspired us by the way they faced a serious medical diagnosis. What is it about their responses that inspire us? For me, it is their ability to find meaning in the muck, laugh in spite of fear and pain, and their laser-sharp clarity about what is truly valuable.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reminding me about gratitude. Something that seems to be forgotten when we feel blue. So first thing I will be thankful for is you, Mary. You always lift me up when I feel blue. My life is so full because of my sisters. Thanks for all your words of wisdom throughout the years. Love You, Kathy
