Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 15: Listening to Our Bodies

In her revolutionary book, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, Dr. Christiane Northrup says, "Our bodies are our allies in the search for health and healing. Listening to the wisdom of our female bodies is the path to self-discovery and joy."

How often do we consider our bodies as a vehicle for "self-discovery and joy?" Many of us wage internal wars with our bodies...we criticize them when they aren't perfect enough; when they are tired we fill them with caffeine. You get the idea.

Yet there are some women who are inspiring in the way that they accept and even love their bodies. Others, especially those who have survived a serious illness, or live with a chronic condition, have used their medical situation as an opportunity to befriend their bodies and listen for the messages they are sending.

A friend of mine survived life-threatening cancer. Her children were young at the time and she was forced to surrender many of her parenting duties to others so she could focus on healing. Over time, she realized that if she tried to deny a part of herself, even her cancer, ultimately she would lose. Somehow, she had to find a way to befriend her body, even though it seemed as if it was betraying her. She took her healing very seriously and each day would take time to tune into what it was she most needed...more laughter, more rest, more exercise. Her cancer taught her to tune into this unique source of wisdom.

She has been cancer free for years and continues to be aware of the messages her body is telling her; not from an obsessive place, but from the healthy perspective of appreciating her body's unique connection to her soul.

Perhaps by paying attention to the messages from our bodies, loving and accepting them, we might find we have taken tender care of our souls.

Sit in silence for a few moments with an awareness of your body. Is there any part that is in particular need of care? Can you respond in some way to that need? Finally, this is for extra credit...could you stand naked in front of the mirror and look at your body appreciating it and thanking it for all that it does for you? Namaste

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