Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 31: Hidden Things

Daisy was running circles around me on the deck...watching me put my sneakers on, anticipating a rare evening walk. To her disappointment, Brendan called just as we were ready to head out. I sat back down on the deck and reveled in his stories. Watching the sky darken, I wasn't sure I would be able to fulfill my promise to Daisy and hear all Brendan wanted to share.

To Daisy's delight, I hung up the phone and Malcolm grabbed a flashlight for a jaunt down the road. Rain and a busy schedule have kept us from our walking routine. Purple asters dotted the roadside; goldenrod burst with delight...much more spectacular from this vantage point than whizzing by in a car.

By the time we turned toward home, the sky had changed considerably. We stopped at the top of the driveway and looked up. Off to the right was an orange/pink finale to a spectacular sunset; just above...dark clouds; and to the left clear skies with an occasional wisp of a cloud. Most striking of all, a luminous crescent moon...and a lone, brilliant star.

When we began our journey, we didn't see the moon or the star. Yet it was there all along, simply waiting for the earth to turn just so...dimming the sun's light and revealing their own. If I wanted to, I couldn't have willed the moon and star to shine...they simply appeared in their appointed moment.

Perhaps I could trust all to be revealed in its appointed time. Maybe I could open my heart and eyes to experience more fully all that is in front of me, rather than angsting over what might be or how things "should" be.

I was reminded of a peaceful moment earlier in the day. Relaxing with two wonderful friends, listening to the Philip Newell CD, "Sounds of the Eternal." We ended our time together soaking in the celestial voices chanting, "I will show you, hidden things, hidden things you have not known....I will show you, hidden things, hidden things you have not known."

Is there a place in your life where you are pushing or forcing? Could you truly soak in and believe? "I will show you, hidden things, hidden things you have not known...I will show you, hidden things, hidden things you have not known." Namaste

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