Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 29: Your Inner EnCOURAGEr

When I was considering moving to Tokyo, my friend Rhonda selflessly offered, “I think you could live anywhere and thrive.” I was afraid…for Brendan and Kiki living in a large, foreign city; for me, that I would be lonely. Her belief in me helped give me the courage to take a big risk.

While writing Dancing Naked Under the Moon, there were many times when I wanted to stop…mostly because I was afraid the book would not being “good enough.” Malcolm and many others provided support to help carry me. A few in particular, Ina, Terry, and Susan would send notes with soothing words that inspired me, gave me faith that all would be well. I saved those notes and emails and re-read them on days when I was ready to give up.

At times we are called to see the best in others that they cannot see in themselves. This type of support is not mindless praise. Sincere encouragement springs from a well of truly believing in the other.

Last year Kiki played volleyball for a coach who demanded a lot from her “girls.” She expected them to show up on time, give their all, and work together as a team. The girls grew tremendously as individual players and as a team. They made it to sub-regionals, exceeding all expectations for them at the beginning of the season. They also had a GREAT time.

Coach Annette’s encouragement made it safe for them to take risks and grow. When they succeeded, praise was showered upon them. When they made mistakes, Coach used it as a teaching moment, not an opportunity to shame.

Imagine the difference we could make in each other’s lives if we truly enCOURAGEd one another…to make positive changes in our lives, to try something new,….

Perhaps today you could offer enCOURAGEment to someone in need of it. There is no guarantee that your words will plant the seeds of change in another, but it will be sure to make you feel good. And who knows, you may even see your enCOURAGEment bear fruit. Namaste.

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